Uniform Distribution Help


What do these properties mean?


When dealing with a continuous distribution, if you see or hear the words "equally likely" or "uniform", you are dealing with a uniform distribution.

For example, imagine that you are collecting data about the time you spend waiting for the bus every morning. You arrive at the bus stop at the same time every morning, and from previous experience you know that the bus can take anywhere from 2 minutes to 10 minutes to get to the stop. You have noticed that any time within this period seems to be equally likely for the bus to show up during. This would be a uniform distribution with a = 2 (because that is the minimum amount of time the bus can take) and b = 10 (because that is the maximum amount of time the bus can take). The only thing left would be to determine what block of time you are interested in observing the probability that it will arrive in. The minimum of that amount of time will be x1 and the maximum of that amount of time will be x2. Note that the bus will not always arrive within that block of time - there is only some probability that it will.
